Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greek Orthodox Education: What it means to us

By Metropolitan Sotirios
When we speak of "Greek Orthodox Education", we speak of dignity and self-respect. Respect towards our forebearers. Love and devotion that  our motherland deserves. Insight in to the future. A serious and premeditated contemplation of what lies ahead, in order for that which we value most to be maintained and never lost:  our language; our race; our culture; and above all, the Truth of Christ as revealed in our Holy Orthodox Faith.
Looking at the global atlas today, Greece is a very small country. Although a small country, it has a glorious history with an unparalleled culture. A country that illumined the entire world with the light of knowledge. What other country in the world can take pride in having such an ancient and glorious culture? For including in its children, such great personalities as Homer, Socrates and Plato?  To read such wisdom and rich depth of meaning and as well as the wonderful use of the Greek language in their written works?
Globalization comes with both positive and negative attributes. With its technological progress and the rapid expansion and use of the Internet (especially within the Mass Media), the whole world has become a small village or a global neighbourhood. With the spread of globalization - although not realized by many - a serious struggle has erupted. It is the fight for the preservation of ideas, of cultures and languages. At this point, it does not seem that one language will prevail to become the only language used by humanity; however, if it did, why should it not be the Greek language, which is the most correct and most logical, according to glossologists?
  Those of us who have left our mother country came to Canada for various reasons. It is not necessary to dwell on these reasons now. We must always remember the moment that we made our decision to leave Greece and the blessing our mother gave us as we departed. Let us remember our thoughts at that time, and the promises we made at that moment.
The problems that our motherland Greece faces today are known to all. The greatest problem it faces is not a financial one, as most people believe. The greatest problem is the selfishness exhibited by many, with a “me-first” attitude that poisons relationships. This is manifested in many ways:  by the lack of love and devotion towards our Motherland; the lack of respect towards our forebearers; the lack of self-respect and propriety.
Both the Greek Academics and the Greek Mass Media –of course not all of them- who both should serve as the protectors of the authenticity and purity of the Greek language, allow for it to be tainted. Not only do they allow it to be tainted, they also contaminate it themselves by borrowing and using many non-Greek words and expressions. We see and hear them every day on our television sets, in the programs that reach even the most remote countries of the Greek diaspora.
When you see and hear this in the Greek Mass Media, how can you retain the new generation, our children, within the Greek culture? When you are laden with the great task - to teach them the Greek language, the Orthodox Faith, love towards the Motherland, and respect towards the forebearers - one cannot help but feel like Sisyphus, who was compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever.
This sermon today expresses agony. It rings the proverbial siren that there is danger ahead. It calls both young and old to be on the alert. We must all work together. Not merely for the maintenance, but for the preservation of the Greek language and culture.  Especially for the preservation of the light of Orthodoxy, which personifies the Truth of Christ on earth.
Our voice is small and quiet. Quite possibly, it will not be heard by those who should hear it. You, though, who are Greek-Canadians, should stay true to that which you were taught and that which you learned. Remember that which you promised your parents as you left your Motherland – that you would remain forever Greek in culture and Orthodox in faith. Keep alive and live your Orthodoxy. Maintain and speak your Greek language. Take care to teach it to your children, grandchildren and descendents. Only in this way will you show true love to your heritage and to the unparalleled country of Greece. This is how you will show respect towards your forebearers, to those who were glorified and who continue to glorify you as Greeks today. This is how your will show respect to yourself and both love and respect to your descendents.
Greek Orthodox Christians of Canada: do not be decieved by the loud sirens of this world. Keep your Orthodox Christian identity. Maintain and raise your children and descendents in the Greek Orthodox faith and Church. In this way, you will not only glorify your country of origin, but you will continue to serve as lights that illumine the world. You will be walking in the right direction, ascending the heights toward Christ, who grants us His Truth and Salvation.  Be careful, so that you do not become weary on this meaningful journey, and fall by the wayside. The victory is yours to attain. I wish you every success in achieving this goal.
With fatherly love and fervent prayers,

Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios
Head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada
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