Monday, December 31, 2012

The Kairological Qabalah by Dr Nicolas Laos

Rediscovering Western Esotericism within Philosophy, Science and the Revolutionary Secrets of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the Illuminati.

By: Dr Nicolas Laos 
As an original and in-depth look at man’s existential problems and challenges, The Kairological Qabalah – Rediscovering Western Esotericism, contains an inspiring plan for the creation of a New Western Renaissance.
This book brings Western Esotericism under careful scrutiny and then re-interprets it for our modern age. From this new position, Dr Laos articulates a new esoteric system, The Kairological Qabalah, which is based upon the “opportune moment” of Kairos, where Man is the architect and manager of his own fate.


“Dr Nicolas Laos is an outstanding policy-analysis scholar. His analytical mind assists the reader to comprehend the meaning of the Greek word “esotericism” as well as the Greek concept of “Kairos” that focuses on the dynamic continuity between the reality of the world and the reality of consciousness.”
– Dr John M. Nomikos, Director, Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) and Chairman, Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies
“Nicolas Laos offers a rational perspective about Western esotericism. Establishing connections between the Greek concept of Kairos (the right or opportune moment) and a redefined Qabalah (as an ecumenical esoteric system of correspondences and symbols), he opens new possibilities of dialogue between ancient symbolism and advanced sciences.”
– Metropolitan Daniel (de Jesús Ruiz Flores) of Mexico and All Latin America (Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Mexico)
“The volume at hand is a well-thought out, methodical and coherent professional study. In an orderly manner, this book delineates the profound meaning of the Greek word ‘esotericism’. To do eloquently so, Dr Laos travels carefully through history, cultures and civilizations…the author offers a reflective portrait about the inner confrontations, the spirituality and the multi-survival apprehension issues that humanity faces today.”
– Dr Elias D. Kallioras, Former Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Co-operation (PABSEC) 


List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Part One: The Emergence and Development of Western Esotericism
Chapter 1: Esotericism as an Object of Historical Research
Chapter 2: The Noachites and the Spiritual Horizon of Western Esotericism
Chapter 3: The Creation of the Japhethite Ecumene and the Foundations of Western Esotericism
Part Two: The Kairological Qabalah: The Secret Mysteries of Nature and Science and the Mastering of Reality
Chapter 4: Kairos and Qabalah
Chapter 5: The Kairological Left-Hand Pillar
Chapter 6: The Kairological Right-Hand Pillar
Chapter 7: The Kairological Middle Pillar
Chapter 8: The Incarnate Logos and the Esoteric Significance of the Number Thirty-Three
Part Three: Esoteric Fraternities, Morality and Politics from the Perspective of the Kairological Qabalah
Chapter 9: The Rituals and Teachings of Western Esoteric Fraternities
Chapter 10: Western Esotericism and Moral Philosophy
Chapter 11: The Political Dimension of Western Esotericism and the Kairological Qabalah
Hardcover / 266 pages / 140mm x 216mm
ISBN: 978-1-907347-09-2

Price £24.99 / $39.99 BUY NOW ON AMAZON
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