Monday, May 18, 2009

Rebuild the Temple

Rebuild the Temple

1. The jews are gonna rebuild the Temple of Solomon at it's primary location.

2. The new High Priest of the jews is going to be in charge of the temple of solomon.

3. The orthodox fatherhood is in the order of Melchizedek, therefore the orthodox Patriarch will ordain the High Priest.

4.The rising of the temple of solomon will bring peace to Israel, elevate the jewish faith & last but not list, it will bring a mutual understanding & collaboration between the 3 faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

Activation of the oracle

When I was composing the opera Alexander the Great I had an epiphany:

In order for the jews to rebuild the old temple of solomon the opera had to be presented in Jerusalem.

According to tradition there's the secret oracle of High Priestess Queen Olympias.

The oracle says that peace will come in Israel only when the old temple is rebuild.

In order to rebuild the temple the oracle has to be sung in Jerusalem.

Only then will it be activated.

Alexander the Great liberated the jews with his sword.

In the opera and according to the oracle, he's coming back to Jerusalem but this time not with a sword.

His coming back with something blessed from God: The Lyre of David!

(The Panagiotis Carusos opinions and suggestions are answers to the hypothetical question of how to resolve problems in certain world areas with high political conflicts. An opinion is a belief that may or may not be backed up with evidence, but which cannot be proved with that evidence. It is normally a subjective statement and may be the result of an emotion or an interpretation of facts; people may draw opposing opinions from the same facts.)
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