Thursday, November 14, 2013

Member of Parliament Bryan Hayes Announces Support for Algoma Fall Festival

SAULT STE. MARIE, Ontario, November 12, 2013 - Bryan Hayes, Member of Parliament (Sault Ste. Marie), on behalf of the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, today announced funding to the Algoma Arts Festival Association for the Algoma Fall Festival.
“Year after year, the Algoma Fall Festival features high-calibre music, theatre, dance, and visual arts,” said Mr. Hayes. “I look forward to the upcoming festivals, and I am pleased to see the Government of Canada's continued support for our local artistic and cultural community.”
Funding will support the 42nd and 43rd editions of Algoma Fall Festival, which will take place in Sault Ste. Marie in 2014 and 2015. The multidisciplinary festival will showcase presentations of visual and performing arts, as well as an extensive outreach program for youth that includes artist-led workshops and professional presentations.
“Canadians continue to attend thousands of cultural events in communities of all sizes and in all parts of Canada,” said Minister Glover. “This speaks to a thriving arts and cultural sector that enriches our economy and reflects our diverse heritage. Our Government is proud to invest in organizations that offer Canadians access to a variety of artistic performances and presentations.”
“The Algoma Arts Festival Association is very pleased to receive support from the federal government for the Algoma Fall Festival,” said Donna Hilsinger, President, Algoma Arts Festival Association. “This contribution means that we can continue to provide excellence in the performing arts and arts outreach opportunities for our community.”
The Government of Canada has provided funding of $100,000 ($50,000 in 2014–2015 and $50,000 in 2015–2016) through the Canada Arts Presentation Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. This program gives Canadians increased access to the variety and richness of Canada's culture through professional arts festivals, presentations of live professional performances, and other artistic experiences.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

NASA Kepler Results Usher in a New Era of Astronomy

Scientists from around the world are gathered this week at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., for the second Kepler Science Conference, where they will discuss the latest findings resulting from the analysis of Kepler Space Telescope data.
Included in these findings is the discovery of 833 new candidate planets, which will be announced today by the Kepler team. Ten of these candidates are less than twice the size of Earth and orbit in their sun's habitable zone, which is defined as the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet may be suitable for liquid water.
At this conference two years ago, the Kepler team announced its first confirmed habitable zone planet, Kepler-22b. Since then, four more habitable zone candidates have been confirmed, including two in a single system.
New Kepler data analysis and research also show that most stars in our galaxy have at least one planet. This suggests that the majority of stars in the night sky may be home to planetary systems, perhaps some like our solar system.
"The impact of the Kepler mission results on exoplanet research and stellar astrophysics is illustrated by the attendance of nearly 400 scientists from 30 different countries at the Kepler Science Conference," said William Borucki, Kepler science principal investigator at Ames. "We gather to celebrate and expand our collective success at the opening of a new era of astronomy."
From the first three years of Kepler data, more than 3,500 potential worlds have emerged. Since the last update in January, the number of planet candidates identified by Kepler increased by 29 percent and now totals 3,538. Analysis led by Jason Rowe, research scientist at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., determined that the largest increase of 78 percent was found in the category of Earth-sized planets, based on observations conducted from May 2009 to March 2012. Rowe's findings support the observed trend that smaller planets are more common.
An independent statistical analysis of nearly all four years of Kepler data suggests that one in five stars like the sun is home to a planet up to twice the size of Earth, orbiting in a temperate environment. A research team led by Erik Petigura, doctoral candidate at University of California, Berkeley, used publicly accessible data from Kepler to derive this result.
Kepler data also fueled another field of astronomy dubbed asteroseismology -- the study of the interior of stars. Scientists examine sound waves generated by the boiling motion beneath the surface of the star. They probe the interior structure of a star just as geologists use seismic waves generated by earthquakes to probe the interior structure of Earth.
"Stars are the building blocks of the galaxy, driving its evolution and providing safe harbors for planets. To study the stars, one truly explores the galaxy and our place within it," said William Chaplin, professor for astrophysics at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. "Kepler has revolutionized asteroseismology by giving us observations of unprecedented quality, duration and continuity for thousands of stars. These are data we could only have dreamt of a few years ago."
Kepler's mission is to determine what percentage of stars like the sun harbor small planets the approximate size and temperature of Earth. For four years, the space telescope simultaneously and continuously monitored the brightness of more than 150,000 stars, recording a measurement every 30 minutes. More than a year of the collected data remains to be fully reviewed and analyzed.
Ames is responsible for the Kepler mission concept, ground system development, mission operations, and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler mission development.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the Kepler flight system and supports mission operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discovery Mission and was funded by the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

NASA TV Airs Discussion on Removing Barriers to Deep Space Exploration

Koichi Wakata, Soyuz, Mikhail Tyurin, Rick Mastracchio (Image by NASA)
NASA Television will air a roundtable discussion with aerospace industry leaders at 9 a.m. EST Tuesday, Nov. 12 about the progress being made toward sending humans into deep space.
The live broadcast will take place at the Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, in Washington. Attendance at the event is by invitation only.
Panelists representing NASA and its prime contractors will discuss the work being done on the agency's Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket, which will carry humans farther into space than ever before. The participants are:
-- William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for human exploration and operations, NASA
-- Julie Van Kleek, vice president, advanced space and launch programs, Aerojet Rocketdyne
-- Charlie Precourt, vice president and general manager, ATK Space Launch Division
-- John Elbon, vice president and general manager, Boeing Space Exploration
-- Jim Crocker, vice president and general manager, civil space, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Orion and the Space Launch System will provide the United States an entirely new human space exploration capability, a flexible system that can extend human presence beyond low-Earth orbit and enable new missions of exploration in our solar system.
The discussion is sponsored by TechAmerica's Space Enterprise Council in partnership with the George Marshall Institute and the Coalition for Space Exploration.

Three Space Station Crews Answer Media Questions from Orbit

Nine International Space Station crew members will discuss their mission with reporters from around the world during a joint crew news conference to be broadcast live on NASA Television at 8:50 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 8.
This is the first time since October 2009 that nine people will be aboard the space station at the same time without a space shuttle present. The crew members are together for only four days as one expedition ends and another begins.
The nine crew members represent three space station expeditions:
• Expedition 36/37: Karen Nyberg of NASA, Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency;
• Expedition 37/38: Michael Hopkins of NASA and Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazanskiy of Roscosmos; and
• Expedition 37/38/39: Rick Mastracchio of NASA, Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Mikhail Tyurin of Roscosmos.
The joint news conference, which was arranged in coordination with NASA's international partner agencies, will last 40 minutes and will feature questions from U.S., Russian, European and Japanese media. Each partner agency will have 10 minutes for questions. Because of the limited time available, all U.S. media will be required to ask their questions via a phone bridge managed at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. To use the phone bridge, journalists must call Johnson's newsroom at 281-483-5111 by 8:30 a.m. EST Nov. 8.
Topics for discussion include the upcoming 15th anniversary of space station construction, the crew members' support for research inside the orbiting laboratory, and plans for a Nov. 9 spacewalk with the Olympic torch that will light the flame at the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.
Mastracchio, Tyurin and Wakata will launch aboard a Soyuz rocket Nov. 6 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan with the torch stowed aboard and dock their Soyuz capsule to the space station that same day, bringing the onboard complement to nine.
Kotov and Ryazanskiy will venture outside the space station with the torch as part of a 6-hour spacewalk before the torch's scheduled Nov. 10 return to Earth with Nyberg, Yurchikhin and Parmitano.

Next Space Station Launch to Be Shown on Times Square Toshiba Vision Screen

The Toshiba Vision screen in New York's Times Square will give the public a big-screen view of the next launch of three crew members to the International Space Station. Launch is scheduled for 11:14 p.m. EST Wednesday, Nov. 6.
NASA Television coverage, originating from the launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, will broadcast on the giant outdoor screen beginning at 10:15 p.m. and continue with post-launch coverage until 11:45 p.m.
"The space station serves as a unique laboratory for researchers around the world, home to astronauts from multiple countries, and was built with international cooperation, so it's fitting to show the launch of the next crew in the most cosmopolitan city in the United States," said William Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for human exploration and operations.
NASA astronaut Rick Mastracchio, Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) Soyuz commander Mikhail Tyurin and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata will launch in a Soyuz spacecraft. They will join six crew members already on the space station, including NASA astronauts Karen Nyberg and Mike Hopkins, the European Space Agency's Luca Parmitano, and Roscosmos' Fyodor Yurchikin, Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazanskiy.
This will be the first time since October 2009 that nine people have served together aboard the space station without a space shuttle being docked to the orbiting laboratory. The crew will return to its normal complement of six on Nov. 10, when Yurchikhin, Nyberg and Parmitano return to Earth.
Currently, the only transportation services to and from the space station is aboard Soyuz spacecraft. NASA is working with U.S. companies to develop and demonstrate human spaceflight systems that could ultimately lead to the availability of commercial services for both commercial and government customers from the United States.
Prominently positioned below the world-famous New Year's Eve Ball in Times Square, the Toshiba Vision dual LED screens will allow viewers to see the action from the launch pad as the Soyuz soars into the sky.
For NASA TV streaming video, schedule and downlink information, visit:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monsanto Company Sets Webcasts for Biennial Investor Event

Wednesday October 30, 2013
ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) announced it will hold a series of webcasts in conjunction with its biennial investor event scheduled for November 6-7 in St. Louis, Mo. During presentations at the event, company executives will discuss Monsanto’s strategic initiatives, financial targets, product performance, research and development pipeline and other matters related to the company’s business.
  • A webcast beginning at 1 p.m. C.T. on Wednesday, November 6 will offer presentations from the following Monsanto executives: Hugh Grant, chairman and chief executive officer; Kerry Preete, executive vice president for global strategy; Brett Begemann, president and chief operating officer; Mike Stern, Ph.D., vice president, Americas row crops; and Mike Frank, vice president, international row crops and vegetables.
  • A webcast beginning at 9 a.m. C.T. on Thursday, November 7 will feature presentations from Robb Fraley, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief technology officer; and Pierre Courduroux, senior vice president and chief financial officer. Following the live broadcast, a replay of the webcast will be available on the Monsanto web site for three weeks.
Slides and a simultaneous audio webcast of the presentations will be accessible by visiting the investor section of Monsanto’s web site at
Monsanto publishes details on upcoming webcasts on its website at in both the Presentation and Financial Reports section and the Calendar of Events section. Investors should look to this site as the source of information on future investor conference webcasts. The site includes a calendar of upcoming investor events, details on accessing scheduled webcasts and information from previous investor events.
About Monsanto Company
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog, Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.

Monsanto and Evogene Extend and Expand Collaboration for Crop Improvement

Extension of existing collaboration covering yield, environmental stress and fertilizer utilization in corn, soybean, cotton and canola to August 2016
Expansion of the collaboration to include a program for resistance to Stalk Rot disease caused by Fusarium species
Monday October 28, 2013 
Monsanto Company and Evogene Ltd. (TASE: EVGN) announced today the extension and expansion of their research and development collaboration. The collaboration, initially signed in 2008 and later extended in 2011, has focused on identifying key plant genes related to yield, environmental stress and fertilizer utilization in corn, soybean, cotton and canola. The newly signed agreement extends these existing programs through to August 2016, and adds a new five year program for the identification of genes providing resistance to Stalk Rot disease in corn, caused by multiple Fusarium species. Fusarium is a family of fungi that causes significant yield loss across the world’s major crops.
"We are extremely pleased with Monsanto’s decision to again extend our excellent broad collaboration in the areas of yield and abiotic stress tolerance with respect to the four major field crops," said Ofer Haviv, Evogene's President and CEO. "The addition of a new discovery program focused on Fusarium resistance is another indication of Evogene’s growing commitment and activities targeted at biotic stress related conditions, and the broad applicability of our unique technology platform.”                 
“Agricultural innovation will be key to helping meet growing global demand,” added David Fischhoff, Monsanto Technology Strategy Development Lead.  “Through the combination of Evogene’s gene discovery technologies with our company’s trait development expertise, this collaboration is focused on developing new tools that help farmers drive yields even further.”
Terms of the revised collaboration agreement include:
  • Evogene will provide Monsanto with candidate genes that are predicted to improve yield, fertilizer utilization and plant resistance to environmental stress. Monsanto will receive exclusive license rights to develop and commercialize the candidate genes as part of Monsanto's trait pipelines for corn, soybean, canola, and cotton.

  • Evogene will also provide Monsanto with candidate genes predicted to provide resistance to Stalk Rot disease caused by multiple Fusarium species. Monsanto will receive exclusive license rights to develop and commercialize the candidate genes as part of Monsanto’s trait pipeline for corn.  

  • For all collaboration programs, Evogene will utilize its ATHLETETM computational technology for gene discovery, and its Gene2ProductTM platform for optimizing trait efficacy and accelerating the product development process.

  • Evogene will be entitled to receive both milestone payments and royalty payments for all successful candidate genes emerging from the collaboration that are developed and commercialized by Monsanto. Evogene will also receive additional research and development payments to support the increased activities.
The prior agreement included a put option giving Evogene the right, under defined conditions, to sell one million Evogene shares to Monsanto at $12 per share.  The prior put option has been cancelled in exchange for an increase in all future milestone payments and royalty rates with respect to genes licensed by Evogene to Monsanto. The prior put option has been replaced with a new $12 million put option under which shares will be sold at market value at time of exercise (subject to set minimum and maximum prices).


About Evogene Ltd.
Evogene is a plant genomics company, utilizing a proprietary integrated technology infrastructure to enhance seed traits underlying crop productivity. Evogene offers a complete solution for crop productivity improvement through biotechnology and advanced breeding using a unique technology infrastructure that is based on deep scientific understandings of plant genomics and proprietary computational capabilities. The Company has strategic collaborations with world-leading agricultural companies to develop improved seed traits in relation to yield and a-biotic stress (such as tolerance to drought), and biotic stress (such as resistance to disease), in key crops as corn, soybean, wheat and rice. In addition, Evogene has earlier stage operations in agriculture chemicals, and seeds focusing on second generation feedstock for biodiesel. The Company's headquarters are located in Rehovot, Israel and the Company is listed for trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: EVGN). For additional information, please visit Evogene’s website at

About Monsanto Company
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog, Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.
As it applies to Evogene Ltd., this press release contains "forward-looking statements" relating to future events. These statements may be identified by words such as "may",  “expects”, "intends", “anticipates”, “plans”, “believes”, “scheduled”, “estimates” or words of similar meaning. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions, describe opinions about future events, involve certain risks and uncertainties which are difficult to predict and are not guarantees of future performance. Therefore, actual future results, performance or achievements of Evogene may differ materially from what is expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, many of which beyond Evogene's control, including, without limitation, those risk factors contained in Evogene’s reports filed with the Israeli Securities Authority. Evogene disclaims any obligation or commitment to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments or changes in expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions. 
As it applies to Monsanto Company, this press release contains "forward-looking statements", such as statements concerning the company's anticipated financial results, current and future product performance, regulatory approvals, business and financial plans and other non-historical facts. These statements are based on current expectations and currently available information. However, since these statements are based on factors that involve risks and uncertainties, the company's actual performance and results may differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, among others: continued competition in seeds, traits and agricultural chemicals; the company's exposure to various contingencies, including those related to intellectual property protection, regulatory compliance and the speed with which approvals are received, and public acceptance of biotechnology products; the success of the company's research and development activities; the outcomes of major lawsuits and the previously-announced SEC investigation; developments related to foreign currencies and economies; successful operation of recent acquisitions; fluctuations in commodity prices; compliance with regulations affecting our manufacturing; the accuracy of the company's estimates related to distribution inventory levels; the company's ability to fund its short-term financing needs and to obtain payment for the products that it sells; the effect of weather conditions, natural disasters and accidents on the agriculture business or the company's facilities; and other risks and factors detailed in the company's most recent Form 10-K Report to the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements, which are current only as of the date of this release. The company disclaims any current intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements or any of the factors that may affect actual results.

Monsanto Honored by Science Magazine as a 2013 Top Employer

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Science Magazine has recognized Monsanto as one of the world’s top employers. In news released today by the publication, Monsanto ranked 14 in Science’s 2013 Top Employer survey. The survey spotlights the 20 best companies in the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, and related industries as well as the characteristics which make them great places to work.
“We are pleased to be recognized by Science as a great employer,” said Robb Fraley, Ph.D., Monsanto chief technology officer. “Our company’s winning culture is based on innovation and the incredible talent of our employees around the world, whose focus is providing farmers the tools they need to feed and clothe a growing global population.”
An independent research firm conducted the survey which polled employees around the world. Respondents from North America, Europe and the Asia/Pacific Rim rated companies based on 23 characteristics including work-culture values, easy adaptation to change, and a research-driven environment. Respondents highlighted Monsanto’s clear vision, its place as an innovative leader in the industry and the important, quality research it does as characteristics for making the list. Monsanto is the only Missouri-based company to make the global list.
Third party organizations continue to recognize Monsanto as an employer of choice. Earlier this week Monsanto made the list of the World’s Best Multinational Workplaces by Great Place to Work®. Monsanto ranked 12 in the world’s largest annual study of workplace excellence, which identifies the top 25 best multinational companies in terms of workplace culture.
For the complete feature on Science’s 2013 Top Employers along with individual company rankings, go to
About Monsanto Company
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog, Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements contained in this release are "forward-looking statements," such as statements concerning the company's anticipated financial results, current and future product performance, regulatory approvals, business and financial plans and other non-historical facts. These statements are based on current expectations and currently available information. However, since these statements are based on factors that involve risks and uncertainties, the company's actual performance and results may differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, among others: continued competition in seeds, traits and agricultural chemicals; the company's exposure to various contingencies, including those related to intellectual property protection, regulatory compliance and the speed with which approvals are received, and public acceptance of biotechnology products; the success of the company's research and development activities; the outcomes of major lawsuits and the previously-announced SEC investigation; developments related to foreign currencies and economies; successful operation of recent acquisitions; fluctuations in commodity prices; compliance with regulations affecting our manufacturing; the accuracy of the company's estimates related to distribution inventory levels; the company's ability to fund its short-term financing needs and to obtain payment for the products that it sells; the effect of weather conditions, natural disasters and accidents on the agriculture business or the company's facilities; and other risks and factors detailed in the company's most recent Form 10-K Report to the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements, which are current only as of the date of this release. The company disclaims any current intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements or any of the factors that may affect actual results.

Monsanto Company Names Brett Begemann as President and Chief Operating Officer, and Expands His Oversight of Global Business Operations

ST. LOUIS, Wednesday October 23, 2013 --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) today announced that its Board of Directors is expanding Brett Begemann’s oversight for the company’s global commercial operations and that he will now be named to serve as the company’s President and Chief Operating Officer effective immediately. Begemann most recently served as the company’s President and Chief Commercial Officer. In his expanded role, Begemann will lead the global business organization with a continued focus on the company’s growth areas.
Hugh Grant will continue to serve as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Monsanto Company, where he maintains ongoing responsibility for leading the company’s long-term corporate strategy, as well as setting direction for the Fortune 200 company. Grant will continue to focus on the delivery of strategic plans for the organization, including the company’s long-term vision– a vision that is focused on producing more, conserving more and improving the lives of people throughout the world.
“Brett has repeatedly demonstrated his strength in strategic planning, operational excellence, and delivering strong financial performance throughout his career at Monsanto,” said Grant. “Brett’s leadership will continue to play an important role as we look to accelerate the growth potential of our business and expand our operations into new areas and regions.”
In announcing his expanded role, Monsanto noted that Begemann will continue to be responsible for the company’s worldwide sales and operations, and will also expand his responsibilities to oversee corporate affairs – including the company’s ongoing engagements with farmers, stakeholders and society.
Begemann will continue to lead the global commercial business including overseeing the commercial, manufacturing and supply chain operations in row crops, vegetables and crop protection. This includes overseeing the company’s new areas of growth, including in established markets and new markets, as well as in new areas of innovation such as Integrated Farming Systems and Ag Biologicals.
“I’m honored to assume this expanded role and focus on scaling our operations to reach more farmers around the world with new product offerings,” said Begemann. “Throughout my career at Monsanto, I’ve seen our business transform from an agriculture company focused on biotechnology to one that is built around breeding, biotechnology and agronomic improvements for the farm. I look forward to continuing to expand our product offerings for farmers through the introduction of a next-generation of industry-leading agriculture innovations.”
Begemann joined the former Monsanto Company in 1983. Throughout his career, Begemann has served in a variety of roles across sales, marketing, commercial development as well as senior management positions worldwide. Begemann will continue to report to Monsanto’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hugh Grant, and serve as a member of Monsanto’s executive leadership team.
About Monsanto Company
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world's natural resources such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog, Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.

Monsanto Chesterfield Village Expansion Groundbreaking of Research and Development Center Marks Next Generation for Agriculture and St. Louis

Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon and Hugh Grant, chairman and chief executive officer, Monsanto Co. view 3D agricultural chalk art at Monsanto's Chesterfield Village Research Center expansion groundbreaking. The event commemorated the $400 million expansion which is expected to create 675 new jobs in St. Louis over the next three years. (Photo: Business Wire)
ST. LOUIS, Tuesday October 22, 2013 --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Monsanto Company hosted an event today to commemorate the beginning of the Chesterfield Village Research Center expansion, its global hub for research and development (R&D) and agricultural innovation. The $400 million expansion, first announced in April 2013, will create 675 new jobs in St. Louis across all levels over the next three years.
“Our Chesterfield expansion is focused on strengthening our world-class capabilities in the discovery and development of innovations for farmers around the world,” said Hugh Grant, chairman and CEO of Monsanto. “Meeting growing demand will require new ways of thinking and new technologies that today we can only imagine. As we look to the future, and work begins to expand this research facility, I’m reminded how important our mission to work together to help farmers produce more nutritious food in a sustainable way will continue to be.”
The groundbreaking ceremony included Grant, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and Phoong Tang, Monsanto global cotton and specialty crop technology lead.
“Today solidifies Missouri as the leading agriculture innovation hub in the country,” said Nixon. “Monsanto’s decision to expand its footprint and create hundreds of high tech, high paying jobs in this region is good for our state, our economy and our citizens.”
The Chesterfield Village expansion is expected to be completed in 2017. The expansion will include a number of new facilities, including a conference center, research building, 36 additional greenhouses, 13 Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) rooms and 250 additional labs. Contracts have been awarded to:
  • SmithGroupJJR: Architect for the conference center
  • Jacob KlingStubbins: Architect for the research building
  • Burns and McDonnell: Architect for greenhouses
  • Alberici: Construction manager for expansion project
  • Tarlton Corporation: Contractor for parking garage
“Our success reflects the many resources of the St. Louis region that we call home,” said Grant. “We are proud to invest here and look forward to continuing to be part of the region’s growth.”
Monsanto continues to create new employment opportunities in the St. Louis region. Currently, there are 400 St. Louis-based open positions – a significant increase versus a year ago – in a variety of fields including engineering, sales, research, information technology, finance and human resources.
Significant opportunities exist in:
  • R&D specifically for new platforms such as BioDirect™ technology and Integrated Farming Systems℠; as well as in biotechnology, breeding and regulatory.
  • Information Technology and R&D Technology Pipeline Solutions, the group that develops software that supports R&D pipeline and system integration.
Information on current open positions is available
About Monsanto Company
Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog, Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements contained in this release are "forward-looking statements," such as statements concerning the company's anticipated financial results, current and future product performance, regulatory approvals, business and financial plans and other non-historical facts. These statements are based on current expectations and currently available information. However, since these statements are based on factors that involve risks and uncertainties, the company's actual performance and results may differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, among others: continued competition in seeds, traits and agricultural chemicals; the company's exposure to various contingencies, including those related to intellectual property protection, regulatory compliance and the speed with which approvals are received, and public acceptance of biotechnology products; the success of the company's research and development activities; the outcomes of major lawsuits and the previously-announced SEC investigation; developments related to foreign currencies and economies; successful operation of recent acquisitions; fluctuations in commodity prices; compliance with regulations affecting our manufacturing; the accuracy of the company's estimates related to distribution inventory levels; the company's ability to fund its short-term financing needs and to obtain payment for the products that it sells; the effect of weather conditions, natural disasters and accidents on the agriculture business or the company's facilities; and other risks and factors detailed in the company's most recent Form 10-K Report to the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements, which are current only as of the date of this release. The company disclaims any current intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements or any of the factors that may affect actual results.

Monsanto Company Named One of the World’s Best Multinational Workplaces by Great Place to Work®

Company recognized on exclusive annual global ranking of great places to work
Tuesday October 22, 2013
ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--For the second year in a row, Monsanto Company finds itself on the prestigious list of the World’s Best Multinational Workplaces by Great Place to Work®. This year, Monsanto ranked 12 in the world’s largest annual study of workplace excellence, which identifies the top 25 best multinational companies in terms of workplace culture.
Monsanto ranks two places higher from the 2012 list and is the only St. Louis-based company and the only agriculture company recognized in the award’s third year.
“We are honored for the second time in a row to be recognized as a top multinational workplace,” said Steve Mizell, Monsanto executive vice president of human resources. “I credit our winning to a culture which, because it is team oriented, non-hierarchical and entrepreneurial, gives our 22,000 dedicated employees around the world more opportunities to make professional contributions to the company while also discovering and developing their own talents.”
To be eligible for the Top 25 World’s Best Multinational Workplaces list, qualifying companies must have appeared on at least five national Great Place to Work lists, have at least 5,500 employees worldwide, and have a global workforce where at least 40 percent of their employees work outside the company’s home country.
Monsanto placed on the national Great Place to Work lists in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Central America and India in 2013. The company has almost 22,000 employees around the world and more than half of the company’s employees are based outside of the United States, the headquarters for Monsanto.
“The companies listed on the third-annual World’s Best Multinational Workplaces list are creating workplaces dedicated to fostering trust, pride and camaraderie amongst their employees,” said China Gorman, CEO of Great Place to Work. “Their inclusion on this prestigious list demonstrates their commitment to continually improving the lives of their employees and setting innovative new standards for workplaces of the future.”
Since launching the first best workplaces lists in partnership with FORTUNE magazine in the United States and Exame in Brazil in 1997, Great Place to Work now recognizes leading workplaces in nearly 50 countries. The World’s Best Multinational Workplace list is based on a pool of data from some 2,900 companies that were listed on Great Place to Work country lists. Every year, Great Place to Work analyzes data from surveys taken by more than 5 million employees and workplace culture analytics taken from 7,200 companies, which represent more than 16 million employees.
In 2013, Monsanto also received awards recognizing its employees’ innovation, leadership, and workplace satisfaction by Forbes (World’s Most Innovative Companies), CR Magazine (100 Best Corporate Citizens, ranking 36 overall and fifth in its industry sector), Computerworld (100 Best Places to Work in IT), DiversityInc. (2013 Top 50 Companies for Diversity), National Association for Female Executives (2013 Top 50 Companies for Executive Women) and Chief Executive (2013 40 Best Companies for Leaders). For more information on these recognitions and others, click here.
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About Great Place to Work
Great Place to Work, headquartered in San Francisco, is a global research, consulting and training firm that helps organizations identify, create and sustain great workplaces through the development of high-trust workplace cultures. Great Place to Work serves businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies in almost 50 countries.
About the World’s Best Multinational Workplaces List
Great Place to Work’s annual World’s Best Multinational Workplaces List ranks the top 25 global companies to work for. Qualifying companies must have been selected for at least five national Great Place to Work® lists, have at least 5,000 employees worldwide and count at least 40 percent of their global workforce outside of the company’s home country.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Over 100 Memory Items Related to the Baltic Way Shared with Europeana 1989

Tallinn, Estonia, 04 September 2013
Around 100 people visited the Europeana 1989 Baltic Way collection days at the Estonian National Library in the capital city of Tallinn on 30-31 August, sharing a total of approximately 150 memory items. Read this press release in Estonian.

In addition to many photos and printed materials, a contributor brought in a handmade blue, black and white Estonian tricolour flag mounted on a broomstick, while another person arrived bearing an old Sony portable radio. Both items had been present at the Baltic Way demonstration.
According to one account, people continued to mark the Baltic Way in a variety of ways after the actual event. For example, a 'green chain' was arranged at Rohuküla harbour as a follow-up, involving participants from the islands of both Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. One man invited his friends to his summer cottage in Kiisa, where he shared beer he'd brewed in his brand new kettle to mark the occasion. One woman brought a pretty light-coloured dress that she'd worn while expecting her first child on the stretch of the Baltic Way demonstration on the big road that circles the city of Türi. Also belonging to this category was a brown coat that had 'taken part' in the Baltic Way. The Tallinn House of Scientists contributed a set of minutes from a meeting that had been held to discuss the events of August 1989, to include the matter of participation in the Baltic Way. Another of their documents reflected brainstorming related to the 1989 legislation on citizenship.
Frank Drauschke, who is one if the initiators of this action to gather memorabilia, contributed his photos of the era. Drauschke, a young East German, had been hitchhiking in the Baltic States during 1989 and took part in the Baltic Way. A woman who had worked as a tourist guide at the Hotel Viru told the story of how she'd taken a group of Germans to participate in the Baltic Way.
A panel discussion that took place on the first of the collection days revisited the background of how the Baltic Way came about. Estonian MEP and Europeana 1989 National Ambassador Tunne Kelam advocated the idea of gathering people's memories and encouraged the public to participate. Mr Kelam previously contributed to a Europeana 1989 roadshow by having his Citizen's Registration Card uploaded to the Europeana website. Historian Küllo Arjakas spoke of the planning that went into the preparatory phase of the Baltic Way. He had with him a set of original meeting notes from the Estonian city of Pärnu that contained interesting details about a meeting of Popular Front members from all three Baltic countries as they laid the groundwork for the huge coming demonstration in which a huge number of people linked hands. Mr Arjakas contributed his notes for inclusion in the Europeana virtual archive.
Filmmaker Peeter Simm, whose documentary film 'The Baltic Way' was shown during the collection days, related stories about the making of the film. Simm happened to see a young man emerging from a forest path with a fishing pole on his shoulder, decked out with an attached Estonian flag. Simm had not been prepared to record the spontaneous event, and asked the young man to retrace his steps so that he could be filmed. Then a Russian TV crew appeared, and the lad had to walk out of the woods a third time. Later the Russian crew said that this is typical of Estonians, who always take the most direct route to their objective.
Press photographer Peeter Langovits, who worked for the Estonian news agency ETA, which was a TASS subsidiary at the time, recalled how he had covered the Baltic Way while on assignment. One of his photos had captured a red flag on which the hammer and sickle was equated with a swastika. TASS refused to disseminate this particular picture, but somehow it reached agencies abroad anyway and was eventually offered to TASS for commercial distribution. Recently, on 23 August of this year, Langovits took photos of marathon runners in Vilnius, Lithuania, who were participating in a race dedicated to the memory of the Baltic Way. Lithuanian runners were also bearing the Estonian national flag. TV reporter Andres Raid spoke emotionally of his memories, noting that he's never subsequently seen a sparkle in the eyes of his countrymen quite as intense as back then on the day of the Baltic Way.
All of the material that was contributed in Tallinn will be made freely accessible at the website, which also sports an interactive feature that enables visitors to upload additional relevant material. The result will be an intriguing and multihued digital archive that users can delve into for educational purposes, for research, or simply out of curiosity and interest. The archive will continue to accept materials until 23 August 2014, when the 25th anniversary of the Baltic Way is due to be celebrated.
Europeana and The Estonian National Library teamed up during the collection days with the Estonian Museum of History, which shared its existing materials and also gained new material during the Tallinn collection event. The UNITAS Foundation was also present, gathering life stories for its Kogu Me Lugu project.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who took part of and contributed to Europeana 1989!
Europeana and 1989
is a digital library, museum and archive that has - since 2008 - been carrying out the ambition of Europe's memory institutions to make the rich and diverse heritage of this part of the world available to all who are interested. More than 2,200 memory institutions and organisations contribute to Europeana from 34 countries. Europeana already contains some 29 million digitised cultural objects, thanks to which it's possible to discover, search and explore the cultural and intellectual heritage of Europe.
Europeana gets end-users involved as well, providing them with the opportunity to digitise and share their stories within the context of campaigns. Europeana 1989 is one of these campaigns. Seven countries are involved in the project - Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany. The campaign began in June in Poland, extended through the Baltic States during August, and will move on in the future to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Community Leaders Symposium-Ontario Provincial Police

The Ontario Provincial Police is one of North America’s largest deployed police services. For years to come, significant population growth in Ontario will continue through immigration. The Ontario Provincial Police is actively recruiting in diverse communities in order to sustain a workforce that will continue to represent all Ontarians.
The Ontario Provincial Police embraces the diverse multiculturalism that Canada has to offer and remains focused on building relationships.
We have organized a Community Leaders Symposium and in attendance will be Community Leaders from various cultural backgrounds. Our goal is to educate the Leaders on the Ontario Provincial Police recruitment process and engage in a question and answer session on best practices/strategies that the Ontario Provincial Police can take to attract members from their respective communities to apply for Police constable positions with the Ontario Provincial Police.
We respectfully request your presence at this event which is scheduled for Saturday September 21, 2013 at the North York Civic Center at 10:00 AM-3:00PM
We would appreciate your attendance and look forward to a favorable response. Should you know of community leaders in your respective communities that can help us during this symposium, please feel free to forward this invitation to them.

Please email and include the number of people that will be attending, and the ethnic community you represent.
Constable Shernett Williams
Uniform Recruitment
Ontario Provincial Police

Thursday, April 18, 2013

If Christ is not Risen... (1 Cor. 14:15) Resurrection. Christ. Antichrist. PASCHAL ENCYCLICAL By Metropolitan Sotirios

“If Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain and our faith is also.” So, if Christ is not risen, then our message is without any meaning and our faith without any significance.
In these words, the Apostle Paul tells us plainly that the proof of the divinity of Christ is His resurrection. His Resurrection from the dead verifies His divinity.
Today, many people doubt the Resurrection of Christ. This is not only true of non-Christians, but even of some who call themselves “Christians”. These types of “Christians” speak of a “spiritual resurrection of Christ”. Without realizing it, some of them go further and say that Christ was simply an excellent philosopher. A wise teacher. A person filled with love, devoid of any hatred. With these words, though, they doubt the divinity of Jesus Christ.
St. John the Evangelist and Theologian is the only one who describes the Antichrist. If we study diligently that which St. John the Evangelist says about the Antichrist, one can come to a simple conclusion: the Antichrist is the one who denies the divinity of Christ. Whoever denies the Resurrection of Christ also denies the divinity of Christ. Therefore, this person is a type of ‘antichrist.’
My beloved Christians: The Resurrection of Christ is an historical event. Historians speak of the event. The Apostles also detail the event, saying, “We speak of what we saw. This is what we have heard. This is what we have examined. This is what we have lived.” The Apostles saw the Resurrected Christ. They heard Him. They conversed with Him. They examined Him. They ate with Him. They lived His Resurrection. They had no doubts of His Resurrection and His divinity. The Apostle Thomas proclaimed that he would never believe unless he placed his fingers in the print of the nails and his hand in the Lord’s side.  But once he saw and heard the Risen Lord speaking to him, he proclaimed  characteristically, “My Lord and my God.”
This same Resurrected Christ will come again. He will come in glory. He, who is the Lord of the Heavens and the earth. He will command all those who have died throughout the ages to rise from the dead. Finally, He will judge every person on their faith and their actions. After His Just Judgment, there will follow everlasting life in eternal glory or eternal punishment.
All of us – you who listen to me and I who speak to you – are Christians. We should be watchful, though, so we do not become willingly or unwillingly ‘antichrists’. With all our hearts, beloved Christians, let us believe in the divinity of Christ. In the Resurrection of Christ. In our resurrection on the Final Day. In eternal and everlasting life, participating in the unending glory and bliss of God.
Christ rose from the dead. With the Father and the Holy Spirit, they are the Triune God. God of true God. The Christ. The only Redeemer and Saviour of the world. There is no other. All the false prophets and pseudo-philosophers can say whatever they wish, but only Christ is the Truth.
May we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ - today and forever!  Uniting our voices with St. John Chrysostom, let us exclaim: “Christ is Risen, and Hades is overthrown! Christ is Risen, and demons are fallen! Christ is Risen and the angels rejoice! Christ is Risen and life reigns! Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and bestowing life to those in the tombs. To Him is due all glory and the Kingdom unto the ages of ages.” Amen!

With fatherly love and blessings in the Risen Lord,
Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios
Head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada

Friday, March 29, 2013

Address by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Pope Francis

CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano
Mar 21, 2013
(Formal Reception for World Religious Leaders -  Vatican, March 20, 2013)

Your Holiness,
In the name of the Lord of powers, we wholeheartedly congratulate You on the inspired election and deserved assumption of Your new high duties as First Bishop of the venerable Church of Senior Rome, defined by the primacy of love.
On this Throne, You succeed Pope Benedict XVI, who boldly retired for reasons of health and fatigue, a man distinguished for his meekness, theology and love. The task and responsibility before You are immense before both God and humankind. The unity of the Christian Churches is surely our foremost concern as one of the fundamental prerequisites for the credibility of our Christian witness in the eyes of those near and afar. In order to achieve this unity, we must continue the inaugurated theological dialogue so that we may jointly appreciate and approach the truth of faith, the experience of the saints, and the tradition of the first Christian millennium shared by East and West alike. It should be a dialogue of love and truth, in a spirit of humility, meekness, and honesty.
After all, the global economic crisis urgently mandates the coordination of our humanitarian action, in which You are well experienced as a result of Your long and fruitful ministry as a Good Samaritan in Latin America, where You pastorally witnessed – like so few others – the bitterness of human pain and suffering. Those who “have” must be motivated to offer – willingly and gladly – to those who “have not.” In this way, peace will be secured through justice as the sole universal request and the basic expectation of all nations. We must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, treat the suffering, and generally care for the needy so that we may hear from our Lord: “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.” (Matt. 25.34)
The selection by Your beloved and esteemed Holiness of a lifestyle of simplicity has highlighted – and will continue to highlight – your priority for what is essential. This fills the hearts of everyone – Your faithful and all people in general – with a sense of hope. It is the hope that this priority will be applied broadly so that judgment and mercy, as the essence the law, may prevail in the Church.
Throughout the two-thousand-year history of the Church of Christ, certain truths of the sacred Gospel were misinterpreted by some Christian groups, resulting in secular misconceptions that have unfortunately spread in Christian circles today. Thus, the burden of our obligation and responsibility is to remind ourselves, each another, and the entire world that God became human in Jesus Christ in order that we may lead a divine way of life. Indeed, “God is the Lord and has appeared to us.” The one who created all things in the beginning, who guides and provides for all things, descended to the depths of death on the cross in order that, through His resurrection, He may demonstrate that “blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord,” and in His name alone, to serve His people, so that we may all be united, and that Christ may be all things and in all things,
This world is the domain where we realize this spiritual way of life, where we achieve our integration into the body of Christ, and where we are brought through Him into eternal life. The Church consecrates this earthly life, although it does not consummate its mission in this earthly life. We all realize and recognize this truth, which is why – as pastors and faithful alike – we travel this way of truth, acquiring the heavenly through the earthly.
As the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the worldwide Orthodox Church of Christ, we are certain that Your venerable and dearly beloved Holiness, who commences this historical journey with such favorable auspices as Bishop of Rome, will – together with all those who are willing and able – exhibit special concern for the reparation of secular trends so that humanity may be restored to its “original beauty” of love. We fervently pray with all Christians as well as with people throughout the world that Your Holiness will prove effective in this deeply responsible and highly onerous task.
May our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed and glorified. Thanks be to God, who in every period of time raises up worthy leaders, deserving of their calling to lead and guide His people, for the adoration of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

President Obama Designates Five New National Monuments

First State National Monument along the Delaware-
Pennsylvania border. (Photo: National Park Service)
National Monuments Will Generate Tourism and Economic Benefits for Local Economies, Honor African-American History, Mark Delaware’s first National Park Site
WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama today signed proclamations establishing five new national monuments, using his authority under the Antiquities Act, which celebrate our nation’s rich history and natural heritage. The monuments, located in Delaware, Maryland, New Mexico, Ohio and Washington, help tell the story of significant people and extraordinary events in American history, as well as protect unique natural resources for the benefit of all Americans. The designations were made with bi-partisan support from congressional, state and local officials, local businesses and other stakeholders and are expected to promote economic growth in the local communities through tourism and outdoor recreation.

“These sites honor the pioneering heroes, spectacular landscapes and rich history that have shaped our extraordinary country,” said President Obama.  “By designating these national monuments today, we will ensure they will continue to inspire and be enjoyed by generations of Americans to come.”

“From the treasured landscapes of northern New Mexico and Washington, to the historic sites in Delaware, to the sites that show our nation’s path from Civil War to civil rights, these monuments help tell the rich and complex story of our nation’s history and natural beauty,” Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said. “There’s no doubt that these monuments will serve as economic engines for the local communities through tourism and outdoor recreation – supporting economic growth and creating jobs.”

According to the National Parks and Conservation Association study in 2006 each federal dollar invested in national parks generates at least four dollars of economic value to the public. National parks are responsible for $13.3 billion dollars of local, private-sector economic activity nationwide, supporting 267,000 private-sector jobs.  Outdoor recreation alone generates $646 billion in consumer spending and 6.1 million direct jobs in the United States each year, according to the Outdoor Industry Association.

The monuments are:

Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument in Ohio.
The monument will preserve the home of Col. Charles Young (1864–1922), a distinguished officer in the United States Army who was the third African American to graduate from West Point and the first to achieve the rank of Colonel. Young also served as one of the early Army superintendents of Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, before the establishment of the National Park Service in 1916.  The national headquarters of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, of which Col. Young was a member, made the property available for acquisition by the federal government for the purpose of establishing the national monument commemorating Young’s life and accomplishments. The monument, located in Wilberforce, Ohio, will be managed by the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service.

First State National Monument in Delaware. The monument will tell the story of the early Dutch, Swedish, Finnish and English settlement of the colony of Delaware, as well as Delaware’s role as the first state to ratify the Constitution.  The park is comprised of three historic areas related to Delaware’s rich history:  the Dover Green, the New Castle Court House complex (including the courthouse, Green and Sheriff’s House), and the Woodlawn property in the Brandywine Valley.  The monument will be managed by the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service.

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument in Maryland. The monument commemorates the life of the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad who was responsible for helping enslaved people escape from bondage to freedom.  The new national park, located on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, includes large sections of landscapes that are significant to Tubman’s early life in Dorchester County and evocative of her life as a slave and conductor of the Underground Railroad.  The park includes Stewart’s Canal, dug by hand by free and enslaved people between 1810 and the 1830s and where Tubman learned important outdoor skills when she worked in the nearby timbering operations with her father. Lands that are part of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, although part of the new national monument, will continue to be managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument also includes the home site of Jacob Jackson, a free black man who used coded letters to help Tubman communicate with family and others.  The monument will also partner with the State of Maryland’s Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park Visitor Center when it opens in 2015.  The monument will be managed by the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service.

Río Grande del Norte National Monument in New Mexico. Located northwest of Taos, the Río Grande del Norte contains stretches of the Río Grande Gorge and extinct volcanoes that rise from the Taos Plateau. The area is known for its spectacular landscapes and recreational opportunities – like rafting, fishing and hiking – and serves as important habitat for many birds and wildlife. The monument is also home to a dense collection of petroglyphs and extraordinary archaeological and cultural resources dating from the Archaic Period to the more recent passage of Hispanic settlers.  The monument will be managed by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management, which currently manages the more than 240,000 acres of the monument.

San Juan Islands National Monument in Washington. Home to bald eagles, orca whales, harbor seals and other rare species, the San Juan Islands is a chain of 450 islands, rocks and pinnacles.  Located in Washington State’s Puget Sound, the archipelago provides an opportunity for visitors, campers, kayakers and birdwatchers to experience the natural beauty of the undeveloped, rugged landscape. A number of historic lighthouses are located on the islands, as well as cultural resources and fossils dating back 12,000 years. The monument will be managed by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management.

President Obama has previously designated four monuments using the Antiquities Act. These include the César E. Chávez National Monument in California, Chávez’ home and the headquarters of the United Farm Workers of America since the early 1970s when Chávez was its president; Fort Monroe National Monument in Virginia, a former Army post integral to the history of slavery, the Civil War, and the U.S. military; Fort Ord National Monument in California, a former military base that is a world-class destination for outdoor recreation; and Chimney Rock, which is located in the San Juan National Forest in southwestern Colorado and offers a spectacular landscape rich in history and Native American culture.

First exercised by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 to designate Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming, the authority of the Antiquities Act has been used by 16 presidents since 1906 to protect unique natural and historic features in America, such as the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Colorado's Canyons of the Ancients.

The designation of the monuments builds on President Obama's America's Great Outdoors initiative, which fosters a 21st century approach to conservation that responds to the priorities of the American people.
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