Friday, August 28, 2009

Turkey or Anatolia?

Turkey was established in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk following the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I.
The Minor Asia actual Turkey includes all ancient civilizations dominated by the Greek glory and principles, Lydia, Caria, Lycia. Especially the Aegean borders of Anatolia were part of The Hellenic confederation countries. Alexander the Great merges Anatolia in his Hellenistic Empire. Romans and Byzantines continued the Hellenistic era in ancient Greek values. Seljuks Mongols and Ottomans gave an eastern Asian aspect of interior combination different of the freedom of mind that was the base of Greek antiquity.
Despotism and control of the masses through religious fear was the lever of barbaric Empires. Mustafa Kemal with the honorific name "Atatürk" (Father of the Turks) did a mistake to use as a name of the new republic a name related to the despotism and obscurantism of the previews conquerors of Anatolia.
The bones between Greeks and Anatolians are very strong, stronger than the bones between the Anatolians and the immigrant tribes come to the Anatolia from the central Asia. Anatolians are thirsty for freedom and look more at their Hellenistic origins than the Asians. Kemal did the newborn of the Nation but the people are not totally free.
New generations of Anatolia have nothing to be proud of the Asian occupations in the contrary they have at their blood the freedom of mind and glory of the Hellenistic past.
The name of Turkey has to be changed to Anatolia. It is the only way to forget the problems of the past created from the Asian barbaric tribes brought to the Greeks and Turkeys. Greece, Cyprus and Anatolia can work together as they were together at the past. The names related with the occupations left back memories were never recovered.
From those tribes suffered Anatolians, Greeks, Cypriots, Armenians and Pontians.
The change name to Anatolia will be the first step of real strong collaboration between this Nations that in the base they have more in common to be proud than differences.
Kemal did the first step in road to freedom now the Turks mast completes their liberty.
Turkish people have more European thinking than Asian and if they find a way to smooth things out they belong to Europe and to Occidental World.

(The Panagiotis Carusos opinions and suggestions are answers to the hypothetical question of how to resolve problems in certain world areas with high political conflicts. An opinion is a belief that may or may not be backed up with evidence, but which cannot be proved with that evidence. It is normally a subjective statement and may be the result of an emotion or an interpretation of facts; people may draw opposing opinions from the same facts.)

Skopje capital city of Paeonia for Macedonia Republic

The province of Macedonia is the northern central part of Hellenic Republic.
The name of Greece is the modern name of the Ancient region of the Hellenic City- States. Some of those cities had Democracy, some Royalty and some Oligarchy.
From Crete to Cyprus, the mainland Greece, Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands and the borders of Anatolia and Sicily the race named The Hellenes. The Hellenes spoke the same Hellenic language, believed in the same Gods and had the same values and virtues.
The Hellenes were warriors always they fight between them but when a threat arrived they united and defended themselves as one country as one Nation until death.
In the thousand years of Greek land many civilizations flourished Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean and the Classic Golden Century of Pericles.
The Hellenic aria of eastern Mediterranean Sea developed a dream of humankind that became the birthplace of all virtues of Western civilization, democracy, philosophy, major scientific and mathematics, drama and music.
Northern of Macedonia province was the mix race of Thraco – Illyrians the Paeonians.
Alexander the Great unified The Hellenes and incorporated all Balkans in order to conquer Asia.
Alexander the Great conquer and changed the world but the new era never called Macedonian but Hellenistic era.
Alexander the Great was an Eperote – Illyrian from his mother’s side and Macedonian from his father but he considered his self like all Macedonians an Hellene – Greek.
After Alexander the Great this area of Paeonians was united with Greece under Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.
The FYROM adopted the Macedonian name and this is very flattering for Greek history seemed to be a sister neighbor country to Greece.
The present problem would never be a problem but a friendship if this new country were far away and not in the borders of Greece.
The conflict is that this founders of this country pretended that they are the true Macedonians, like they want to be more royal from the Queen.
Greece from the other side doesn’t like this idea because the geopolitical issues. The FYROM do not have access to the Mediterranean Sea and the only access from the south is Thessalonica. Also Greeks think that if they believed they are the real Macedonians they will continuous and request authorizations in the historical places of Alexander the Great’s real Macedonia that belongs to Greece.
The Paeonian tribe Agrianes, were crack javelin throwers and an elite unit of Alexander the Great light infantry, who fought under the command of General Attalus.
People of Scopje mast be very happy they are with Alexander the Great as the braves Agrianes, and start a new relationship with Greece. If they love so mach Alexander the Great they have to do that for his memory because if he were here that he would do.
A confederation with Greece will be the best solution for the conflict if Greece not afraid that one day they will proclaim a referendum and request the whole Macedonia together.
I think Greece has to give them a second chance even accepts a confederation government with them, also they have to accept to unified with Greece as a distinct Nation. Then Alexander the Great will be honored from both countries.
If people of FYROM want to have a name related to their origins this is PAEONIA.
Therefor both countries could get in table and discuss the conflict in the benefice of both countries. A coalition or federal government can be a future idea. Beside that Alexander the Great's figure is universal and many countries can get the idea of name their cities of provinces after his name and legacy. In North America they have cities named Athens, Alexandria,and even Troy. In an other term it is an honor for Greeks to have friendly neighbors to be adapted in their culture. Greeks and Macedonians has to get together and collaborate.

(The Panagiotis Carusos opinions and suggestions are answers to the hypothetical question of how to resolve problems in certain world areas with high political conflicts. An opinion is a belief that may or may not be backed up with evidence, but which cannot be proved with that evidence. It is normally a subjective statement and may be the result of an emotion or an interpretation of facts; people may draw opposing opinions from the same facts.)
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